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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Austin or San Antonio? That is the question...

As you may have already heard, Dix and I are graduating from BYU next December and taking off to settle in Texas for a while. Dix will be starting up a pest control branch and I will be headed to nursing school. We are both super thrilled to embark on a new element to our lives. I'm ready for a change in my schooling and Dix is getting antsy (no pun intended... because he's a pest control guy... get it?) to begin his time as a small business owner/partner and watch the company grow.

Anyhow, we have a lot of big changes ahead of us and we still don't know where we will be living! We have narrowed it down to Austin or San Antonio based on demographics, nursing schools, success of current pest control companies there etc.. Next weekend we will by flying out to visit both cities (Derid and Rachel were kind enough to agree to come help us and bring their kids to play, which we are thrilled about) and make the big decision.

So all we know for now is that we will be HERE (Austin):
Or HERE (San Antonio):

Both seem like great options so far, but we really have very limited knowledge of both. We would love to hear your comments about what you know or have heard about either to help us in our decision. We'll keep you posted as to what we decide after next weekend!


  1. Hmm.... The Spurs are in San Antonio, eh? Austin doesn't even have an NBA team. But, if you move to Austin, we could visit you if we visit Ryan's brother. Tough choice, man. I'm sure you guys will love wherever you choose (as long as you live in your fridge, that is).

  2. i would appreciate it if you would just stay in utah county. :)

    okay, fine....you can move. but only if you let us visit whenever we want.

  3. Don't listen to CJ! And why isn't American Fork on the list? I know! I know! Stop yelling at me. I don't want to be your neighbor anyway.
