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Thursday, March 29, 2012


The Ure Family Reunion 2012 was a blast! It was wonderful to finally be together as a family (we haven't ALL been in the same place at the same time since Dix and I were married over a year and a half ago). We started out in San Diego at Sea World and Universal Studios. Unfortunately, Angie and Erin didn't join us until a few days later (we missed them a lot, but we still had fun). On Thursday, we headed to Disneyland. It was amazing! I am a total sucker for Disneyland, but it was especially wonderful to see how excited the kids were. Here was my top ten list from the week (in no particular order):

1. Getting drenched by Shamoo at Sea World... Ok this was not too great, especially because Derid's girls were hysterical about it!

2. Our family T-Shirts. These saved us a million times when people would spot our group and bring back a wandering Ellie. Also, the motto on the back was "We put the FUN in dysFUNctional."

3. Seeing Derid and Christin's families. It is so great to be with them because we don't see them much.

4. Mom getting tricked into going on Space Mountain. Brycen convinced her it was "mild".

5. Going on Grizzly Rapids like a million times:)

6. Eating granola bars ALL DAY EVERY DAY... Ok, No. Everyone got sick of them after day 1.

7. The night Dix and I stayed late with Angie's family... they were crazy. We crossed back and forth all over the park to go on the fun rides. My feet hurt after just an hour with them.

8. Skipping school. No explanation needed.

9. Going on Roller Coasters with my dad. Still one of my favorite things to do.

10. When Dix had the grand idea to seat all the men on one side of the circular raft so that dad would get wet... so funny.

Bonus Favorite: Dix kept mixing Christin and I up (even though we have completely different hair color). He was so stressed out about it all the time:)

Here are some of my favorite pictures from throughout the week. Thanks family for being so amazing! I love you and miss you all!


  1. This is an AWESOME post!!! Do you have more pics of my kids? I sucked at taking pictures :)

  2. Ok the pic of Alex and Derid on dumbo is classic and your whole fam on it's a small world! Love you and miss you!
