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Monday, April 9, 2012

Happy Birthday Dear Husband!

Yesterday was Dix's 24th Birthday. Boy do I love him! Here are a few reasons why I am so grateful I married the man I did:

1. His CAN-DO attitude: I don’t believe that anyone could ever describe my husband as one who lacks ambition. He is full of ideas, BIG IDEAS, and he is not one to believe that he can’t do it. Consequently, he has tried and succeeded at many things.

2. His work ethic: He works so hard! Sometimes, we hardly see each other. However, as difficult as this may be, I fully appreciate knowing that I will always be taken care of.

3. His spontaneity: Dix is just fun. He is easy to be around because he is so positive all the time and he is always coming up with fun things to do spur of the moment. Life is never dull when he’s around.

4. His support of my ambitions: I have grown so much since meeting my husband. He has helped me to become more ambitious because he believes that I am capable of accomplishing anything and he encourages me to be a go-getter.

5. The way he lives the gospel: I love that he strives to grow and develop spiritually. He is honest in all he does, and he loves Jesus Christ more than anyone else.

I love you Dix! Happy Birthday!

1 comment:

  1. I'm late to this post, but I want to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY DIX!!! We love you and are so happy you are part of out family :)
